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456 resultados


LabODD: Access to energy: Is a common framework for outcome measurement possible?

Between May and July 2021, the Energy Group conducted four workshops around a crucial question: is it possible to align with a common framework for measuring outcomes in a sector as diverse as energy access? CERISE publishes an article that presents the main conclusions after these workshops


LabODD: Accès à l’énergie: Un cadre commun de mesure des résultats est-il possible?

Entre mai et juillet 2021, le Groupe Energie a mené quatre ateliers autour d’une question primordiale : est-il possible de s’aligner sur un cadre commun de mesure des résultats dans un secteur aussi diversifié que celui de l’accès à l’énergie ? CERISE publie un article pour présente les principales conclusions de ces ateliers.


Satya Microcapital Financial Inclusion Impact Performance Report

This initial report by 60 Decibels shows Satya MicroCapital’s performance across the five dimensions of financial inclusion: access, business impact, household impact, financial management, and resilience. It also includes additional insights on client satisfaction, loan usage and challenges.

Case studies & Field examples

Satya’s social mission, social goals, SMART objectives, and its indicators

Chart showing Satya Microcapital's mission, social goals, SMART objectives and indicators.

Tools & Templates

Satya Microcapital Social Performance Management Policy

Social strategy and SPM policy in which Satya Microcapital sets out its social goals and plans to achieve them.

Tools & Templates

Prefinancing mechanisms for fair trade

This publication is the result of a study commissioned in 2014 by the French Fair Trade Platform (Plate-Forme pour le Commerce Equitable – PFCE), in partnership with Max Havelaar France and Ethiquable, on existing mechanisms for the pre-financing of agricultural production campaigns in the fair trade sector. This study led to the realization of these fact sheets presenting the offer of 11 financial institutions as well as 2 innovative financial tools, participative funding (or crowdfunding ) and employee savings. It identifies recommendations to enhance, improve and disseminate good practices.


Does good client protection impact financial performance

This brief presents the results of a robust analysis into the relationship between client protection and financial performace. The findings indicate that while the positive relationship between financial returns and some elements of client protection is clear, the relationship between client protection on the one hand and operating costs and credits risks on the other, is less straightforward. Clarifying the causal link will only be possible once the sector has sufficient historical data.


Strengthening Governance for Responsible Finance: Examples from European Investment Funds

Brief No. 2 from the e-MFP Brief Series explores examples of the increasing role microfinance investment funds (MIVs) are playing to improve governance, both across the sector through investor coordination, and at the MFI level through operational tools. The Brief focuses on the microfinance sector's renewed commitment to the double bottom line. MIVs are collecting more social performance data than ever before. This enthusiasm, however, does not reduce the risks that MFIs face. Strong governance would help decrease such risks. MIVs play an important role in governance. They carry considerable weight at the sector level, channeling USD eight billion in investments to MFIs worldwide. They have the potential to influence strategy and operations at the MFI-level. Examples in the Brief include: GCAMF and Triple Jump conducted joint due diligence and proposed a syndicated loan to MFI MBK Ventura in Indonesia; ADA and PlaNIS-responsAbility conducted joint due diligence of ProMujer in Argentina; ResponAbility, Triodos, and the Council of Microfinance Equity Funds are co-financing a research team to explore over-indebtedness;


Driving Investment Decisions with Social Performance Information

This brief offers a glimpse into the inner workings of some european fund managers. drawing on in-depth interviews, it gives examples of the tools they rely on to make.


Making Microfinance Investment Responsible – State of the Practice in Europe

This issue of European Dialogue is a follow up to the 2008 issue, “The Role of Investors in Promoting Social Performance”. The 2008 issue set out to take stock of investment funds' practices in terms of promoting and assessing social performance. In the last two years, practices have become more systematic and refined, as social performance assessments of MFIs have become commonplace. The time has come to see how far we've come to “Making Microfinance Investment Responsible”. What are investors doing to systematize social performance management at the MFI level, and what are they doing to improve their own practices as responsible investors?