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464 resultados


La agricultura andina frente al cambio climático

Esta publicación por UNEP-MeBA presenta los principales problemas relacionados con el cambio climático para la agricultura de la región Andina y analiza el papel que pueden desempeñar las microfinanzas en la adopción de soluciones de adaptación basadas en los ecosistemas. Ha sido diseñada como una herramienta para ayudar a los tomadores de decisiones dentro de las microfinanzas a desarrollar productos financieros y materiales promocionales apropiados.

Ver la publicación en el sitio web de UNEP-MeBA


Microfinance pour l'adaptation fondée sur les écosystèmes

Cette série de fiches pratiques, publiée par UNEP-MeBA, présente 40 options qui peuvent être financées par des produits de microfinance et qui permettent aux petits agriculteurs de réduire leur vulnérabilité au changement climatique et d'atténuer leurs impacts négatifs sur l'environnement. Chaque fiche décrit l'option retenue, sa contribution à la réduction des risques climatiques et environnementaux, les intrants nécessaires et les coûts à financer, ses avantages et ses limites.

Voir la publication sur le site de UNEP-MeBA


Microfinanzas para la adaptacion basada en ecosistemas - Opciones, costos y beneficios

Esta serie de fichas descriptivas, publicada por UNEP-MeBA, presenta 40 medidas que pueden ser financiadas a través de productos de microfinanzas y que permiten a los pequeños agricultores reducir su vulnerabilidad al cambio climático y mitigar sus impactos negativos sobre el medio ambiente. Cada ficha describe la medida seleccionada, su contribución a la reducción de los riesgos climáticos y ambientales, los insumos necesarios y los costos a financiar, sus beneficios y limitaciones.

Ver la publicación en el sitio web de UNEP-MeBA


Microfinance for ecosystem-based adaptation - Options, costs and benefits

This series of fact sheets, published by UNEP-MeBA, presents 40 options that can be financed through microfinance products and that enable small-scale farmers to reduce their vulnerability to climate change and mitigate their adverse impacts on the environment. Each fact sheet describes the selected option, its contribution to reducing climate and environmental risks, the required inputs and costs to be financed, its benefits and limitations.

Read the factsheets on UNEP-MeBA website

Case studies & Field examples

FINCA Experience with Outcomes Management as presented to Outcomes Working Group

Summary of an Oct 2016 Outcomes Working Group session in which FINCA shared its approach to generating credible data that is useful for decision-making on a limited budget. FINCA includes outcomes data in its quarterly MFI mission monitoring dashboard, which includes
targets and achievements for depth of outreach (including female managed enterprises) as well as
predicted outcomes on key business indicators. FINCA uses a predictive model based on a small number
of selected indicators and enterprise segmentation and a small sample of clients quarterly to track quarterly in between larger data collection efforts every 3-5 years.

Tools & Templates

Friendship Bridge Client Outcomes Report

Example from Friendship Bridge in Guatemala of a client outcomes report detailing key performance indicators for client outcomes and grading their performance.

Case studies & Field examples

IDEPRO Desarrollo Empresarial Case Study

This case details IDEPRO Desarrollo Empresarial (Bolivia)'s journey to develop an outcomes and impact evaluation system. IDEPRO’s experience demonstrates two critical and related points. First, actually measuring outcomes is essential to determine whether an organization is achieving its social mission. Second, strategic use of outcomes data can help an organization advance that mission, by yielding valuable insights into areas such as risk management, client retention, and product design. Ultimately, good data does not just measure outcomes—it helps shape them. Implementing an outcomes monitoring system is an investment whose benefits, both to the clients and the institution, significantly outweigh the costs.

Tools & Templates

Fundación Paraguaya Poverty Stoplight Application Manual

Manual describing the Poverty Stoplight outcomes tracking system created by Fundación Paraguaya. It includes the poverty stoplight scorecard as well as instructions for how to apply it, audit it and use it.

Tools & Templates

Friendship Bridge Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Example strategic plan from Friendship Bridge (Guatemala) that sets social goals and articulates how its products and services will achieve them. Includes indicators.


Building MIS Capacity for Social Performance Reporting

This Briefing Note describes the processes that Filipino MFI ASKI followed to determine MIS requirements and the initial steps that were taken in 2014 to improve the MIS so that Social Performance reporting was brought into balance with Financial Performance reporting. This BN describes the way in which ASKI arrived at which indicators to track, the frequency of reporting and the co-ordination / role which the departments played so as to report using a Social Performance Dashboard.