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Descubra nuestra Guía para la Gestión del Desempeño Social y Ambiental



456 resultados

Case studies & Field examples

12 Steps to Resiliency - A Guidebook on Disaster Risk Reduction and Business Continuity Planning for Microfinance Institutions

This guidebook, published by Oikocredit and ASKI, is designed to assist MFIs in improving their capacity towards preparedness, resilience and sustainability in the face of increasing vulnerability to disasters. The guidebook provides easy to follow and practical steps that will help the MFIs in developing their own Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan as well as Business Continuity Plan.

Case studies & Field examples

Adapting to a New Normal - Strengthening Resilience to Climate Change: Best Practices from the European Microfinance Award 2019

This publication presents the factors of success that distinguish ten initiatives from FSPs aiming at strengthening resilience to climate change (at client, staff and institution level). These initiatives were all shortlisted for the 2019 European Microfinance Award.


Access to finance for Renewable Energy technologies - How to do

This note, published by IFAD, provides guidance on how to develop financial services for access to renewable energy technologies in rural areas. It focuses on end-user finance for individual/stand-alone RE solutions for rural households, smallholder farmers, and rural micro, small and medium enterprises. The note provides specific recommendations to FSPs for financial product design and project implementation.

Case studies & Field examples

Access to finance for Renewable Energy technologies - Lessons learned

This note, published by IFAD, synthesizes the lessons learned worldwide in inclusive rural finance projects focused on access to renewable energy technologies.


Renewable Energy & Energy Efficient Products Catalogue

This series of fact sheets, developed by the GICSF Action Group, presents 14 Renewable Energy or Energy Efficient devices for poor households and microentrepreneurs that can be financed through microfinance products. Each fact sheet describes the selected option, its ease of distribution, installation and maintenance, the required costs to be financed, and its benefits for end-users, MFIs and the environment.

Case studies & Field examples

CAMIDE Environmental Charter

Dans le cadre de son programme Aliniha, CAMIDE-PASECAS donnait à chacune de ses clientes une carte de membre sur laquelle figurait une Charte détaillant les droits et les engagements des bénéficiaires, notamment en matière environnementale. Cette Charte est un bon exemple d'incitation au changement de pratiques à travers l'auto-engagement.

Tools & Templates

Environmental and Social Management Policy Template

Template for an environmental and social management policy.


Environmental and Social Management Systems for Financial Institutions: A Primer

Describes the components of an environmental and social management system for financial institution and the purpose of those components.

Tools & Templates

UBTEC Identification des pratiques agroécologiques

Cette grille d'identification des pratiques agroécologiques permet d'évaluer le niveau d'adoption de pratiques plus écologiques par les clients de prêts agricoles. Il s'agit d'un outil en phase de test, adapté au contexte d'intervention spécifique de l'UBTEC (au Burkina Faso).

Tools & Templates

Creditaccess Grameen Environmental and Social Management Policy

This policy shared by CreditAccess Grameen is a good example of how an environmental and social risk management system can be set. It illustrates how E&S risk management shall be integrated into current procedures and tools, at all stages of the loan appraisal and management process. It covers the various dimensions of an ESMS, including exclusion list, E&S risk categorization and monitoring, and training and awareness-raising.