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Gu铆a de GDSA

Descubra nuestra Gu铆a para la Gesti贸n del Desempe帽o Social y Ambiental



437 resultados


Auditor铆a SPI - Gu铆a para entrevistas grupales (en ingl猫s)

Gu铆a para realizar entrevistas grupales a empleados y clientes.

Tools & Templates

Auditor铆a SPI - Lista de control de documentos y entrevistas

La lista de control presenta los principales documentos que pueden consultarse durante la evaluaci贸n, as铆 como las entrevistas a realizar, los datos del SIG a consultar.


Auditor铆a SPI - Glosario

Definiciones de uso com煤n.

Tools & Templates

Plan de acci贸n despu茅s de la auditor铆a SPI

El objetivo final de una auditoria SPI es mejorar las pr谩cticas. Al final de la auditoria, es importante desarrollar un plan de acci贸n que priorice una seria de recomendaciones. Aqu铆 tiene una plantilla para hacer un plan de acci贸n.

Tools & Templates

Informe final de la auditor铆a SPI

Una vez finalizado la auditoria, redacte un informe final que resuma los principales resultados: las fortalezas y las brechas por dimensi贸n. Vea el modelo a continuaci贸n.

Case studies & Field examples

MicroLoan Foundation Responds to Missed Outreach Targets by Reducing Barriers

Provides an example of how MicroLoan Foundation used information that it wasn't reaching its target clients to adjust product design and staff training.

Case studies & Field examples

Musoma Investigates and Addresses Causes of Over-Indebtedness

Explains the actions that Musoma took to reduce over-indebtedness when it noticed that many of its clients were selling or forfeiting assets to pay off loans.

Case studies & Field examples

Conditions that Create a Heightened Risk of Over-Indebtedness

Field example defines overindebtedness as a situation in which a client has to make sacrifices in order to pay his/her debt rather than an absolute state and provides examples of the types of market conditions that create a greater risk of overindebtedness.

Case studies & Field examples

Partner Microcredit Foundation Uses Internal Audit to Detect Risk Lending

Briefly describes Partner Microcredit's approach to detecting overindebtedness risk through its internal audit function.

Case studies & Field examples

Gatsby Microfinance LTD. Provides Transparent Loan Information

Provides an example of how Compartamos Bank communicates the code of conduct to staff and clients.