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Tools & Templates
Creditaccess Grameen Whistleblower Policy
Example of a whistleblower policy from Creditaccess Grameen
Tools & Templates
MicroLoan Foundation Whistleblower Policy
Example of a whistleblower policy from MicroLoan Foundation
Tools & Templates
Aski uses a Social Dashboard for Board Reports
Example of the visual social dashboard that ASKI in the Philippines uses to keep its board informed.
Customer Empowerment in Finance
Makes the case for customer empowerment and provides guidance building this into end-to-end projects or specific aspects, such as user research or projects.
Case studies & Field examples
Garment Workers Experience with Wage Digitization in Bangladesh
Research to understand the experiences of garment workers in Bangladesh whose employers changed from paying them in cash to paying them digitally, either into a bank or a mobile money account. This led to an awareness raising campaign and education materials to better prepare workers for this change to digital wages
Developing Actions for Customer Empowerment in the Philippines: Sector-level Mapping
This sector mapping initiative aims to get a deeper understanding of contextual factors that affect empowerment among Filipino customers and explore practical solutions at the provider and market levels to address customer disempowerment. This study engaged sector-level players and financial customers in conversations to understand context and other external factors that affect customer empowerment.
Case studies & Field examples
Strengthening Customer Empowerment in ASKI
Report of customer research to identify and map points of disempowerment for customers of Philippine MFI, ASKI. Recommendations for actions to promote customer empowerment.
Integrating customer empowerment into the Universal Standards
This document analyses how customer empowerment fits into the USSEPM and makes recommendations for additional indicators and essential practices
Training tips to create SPI Online accounts and audits
As part of training on SPI Online, this guide helps the trainees create an audit to test the platform so it is easier for the trainor to follow their first steps. Trainees will be able to reuse their account after the training.
Tools & Templates
Política de Swadhaar dobre cobrança de pagamentos devidos por clientes inadimplentes e outras política de recureração de crédito
Este ejemplo de Swadhaar incluye un Código de Conducta para las colecciones y Colecciones Prácticas de la institución para Préstamos Group, los cuales proveen el personal colecciones con las directrices y procedimientos específicos para tratar a los clientes con dignidad durante el proceso de cobranza.