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Guía de GDSA

Descubra nuestra Guía para la Gestión del Desempeño Social y Ambiental



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Questions to Consider When Setting Desired Profitability Ratios and Ranges

This document offers a list questions for reflection to assist organizations with setting policies and targets around profits.


Components of Responsible Pricing

Graphic showing the key components over which an FSP has control and which determine its pricing.


Microfinance TRAPS The Microfinance Transparent Pricing Supervision Handbook

This handbook is a culmination of the learnings and knowledge that came out of from the African Microfinance Pricing Transparency Leadership Forums that were organized in Nairobi, Kenya in 2011 and 2013.  While this resource was developed essentially to provide African policy makers with policy recommendations on pricing transparency issues, it can certainly be used by a wide range of industry stakeholders. The first chapter of this handbook describes various complications of interest, while chapter two details other elements that add to and affect the true price of a loan. Chapter three explains price caps providing information on some of the theoretical approaches to price caps and  the impact of price caps on product offering.  While the first three chapters of the handbook review the effects of many pricing design options on the true price of a loan, chapter four, the last chapter of the handbook, examines how a  true price should be disclosed.


Manuel des Normes Universelles - Février 2022

La description complète des Normes Universelles de Gestion de la Performance Sociale et Environnementale. Version de février 2022.


Manual de los Estándares Universales - Febrero 2022

Manual completo de los Estándares Universales para el Desempeño Social y Ambiental.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Use what you have: Discovering client insights in your existing data Brief

This brief summarzes the key points from a webinar discussing how to use your existing client data to reveal actionable insights. Specifically, in analyzing financial behavior by client segment, you can uncover trends in product uptake and use by your clients and use that information to improve performance. The speakers are Mariano Frontera, Director Ejecutivo of Fundación Dominicana de Desarrollo, and Jacobo Menjovsky, independent data analyst.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Use what you have: Discovering client insights in your existing data Presentation

This presentation accompanies a webinar discussing how to use your existing client data to reveal actionable insights. Specifically, in analyzing financial behavior by client segment, you can uncover trends in product uptake and use by your clients and use that information to improve performance. The speakers are Mariano Frontera, Director Ejecutivo of Fundación Dominicana de Desarrollo, and Jacobo Menjovsky, independent data analyst.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Practical ways to address gender-related risks at your organization Brief English

Dimension 2 of the Universal Standards focuses on leadership's role in creating a culture of commitment to SPM. This brief shares the experiences of two FSPs who have taken steps to do this by exploring how better to meet the needs of female employees and customers. In collaboration with Grameen Foundation, CREDICAMPO of El Salvador and ODEF Financiera of Honduras participated in a training and a rapid assessment that focused on gender-related risks and opportunities and are now applying lessons learned to their policies and practices.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Practical ways to address gender-related risks at your organization Presentation

Dimension 2 of the Universal Standards focuses on leadership's role in creating a culture of commitment to SPM. This presentation accompanied the webinar sharing the experiences of two FSPs who have taken steps to do this by exploring how better to meet the needs of female employees and customers. In collaboration with Grameen Foundation, CREDICAMPO of El Salvador and ODEF Financiera of Honduras participated in a training and a rapid assessment that focused on gender-related risks and opportunities and are now applying lessons learned to their policies and practices.

Learning Series

SPM Essentials: Responsible Use of Profits Brief

This brief summarizes the webinar in which speakers from AMK (Cambodia) and GM Bank (Philippines) share the specific ways in which they integrate client-centric decisions into their budget and business plans, and how they engage with socially committed investors. A representative from Dia Vikas shares how Dia promotes social performance through its investments. SPTF’s Amelia Greenberg describes how dimension 6 of the Universal Standards has been revised to strengthen and clarify the management practices connected with a responsible use of profits.