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Yannick Milev of Chamroeun interview on governance and risk
Yannick Milev of Chamroeun in Cambodia provides his perspective managing social performance alongside financial risk, tradeoffs and complementarity, and managing investor expectations.
Selecting a Sample Size
Provides guidance on selecting a valid sample and links to resources on sampling.
Tools & Templates
RICHES Toolkit, Phase 1: Risk Assessments - Evaluating Your Organization’s Risks of Harmful Work for Children and Adults
Evaluate potential risks and unintended consequences of harmful work for children (child labor) and adults within specific contexts, programs, and women’s businesses. To raise awareness and encourage action of women's economic empowerment actors to diagnose and mitigate safety and health risks within women’s businesses.
Tools & Templates
Prefinancing mechanisms for fair trade
This publication is the result of a study commissioned in 2014 by the French Fair Trade Platform (Plate-Forme pour le Commerce Equitable – PFCE), in partnership with Max Havelaar France and Ethiquable, on existing mechanisms for the pre-financing of agricultural production campaigns in the fair trade sector. This study led to the realization of these fact sheets presenting the offer of 11 financial institutions as well as 2 innovative financial tools, participative funding (or crowdfunding ) and employee savings. It identifies recommendations to enhance, improve and disseminate good practices.
Organisations professionnelles agricoles et institutions financières rurales
Ce guide opérationnel se veut un outil d’appui à la construction du partenariat entre organisations professionnelles agricoles et rurales, et institutions financières. Il est issu de travaux de recherche, d’appui au développement et de formations conduits principalement en Afrique de l’Ouest et à Madagascar dans les dix dernières années, avec des éclairages développés plus récemment sur l’Asie du Sud-Est et l’Amérique latine.
Case studies & Field examples
Microfund for Women's Caregiver Experience: Lessons from Jordan on Health Microinsurance
This paper explores the factors that contributed to the success of Caregiver, Jordan's first private health microinsurance offering piloted by Jordan's Microfund for Women (MFW) in partnership with Women's World Banking (WWB) in 2010. It also discusses the lessons learned during the first two years of operation in Jordan, and priority considerations for Caregiver's planned replication in other markets.
Market Research Techniques Table
Provides examples of how different market research techniques can be used to understand the needs and preferences of clients and nonclients.
Learning from Exit Clients: SPTF Guidance Note, Issue 6
Guidance on why and how to collect and use client exit data.
Tools & Templates
Le préfinancement des commandes dans la filière commerce équitable
Cette publication est issue d’une étude commanditée en 2014 par la Plate-Forme pour le Commerce Equitable (PFCE), en partenariat avec l’association Max Havelaar France et l’entreprise Ethiquable, sur les pratiques de préfinancement des campagnes de production agricoles dans les filières du commerce équitable. Cette étude donné lieu à la réalisation de ces fiches techniques présentant l’offre de 11 organismes financiers et 2 outils financiers innovants, le financement participatif et l’épargne salariale. Il a également permis de formuler des recommandations pour valoriser, améliorer et diffuser ces bonnes pratiques.
Case studies & Field examples
Komida Uses Data-Driven Product Design
Field example showing how Komida used client data to inform product design.